suburban garden zone 4

Gardening for fun in the north


May 30th Update

Seedlings are popping-up everywhere now!

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I’m relieved to have signs of life in my new veggie garden. Now, my neighbors will see that the big pile of mud in my front yard has a beautiful purpose.

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Radishes, lettuce, spinach, pole peas, tomatoes, strawberries all making progress.


I’m watching my stocks carefully for the first blooms. I’ve dreamed of having stocks in my garden since working in a floral shop one high school summer long ago. I love their old-fashioned look and dreamy aroma.


Petunias are blooming like crazy. They are so easy! I love the color they lend to the beds in the spring.

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Wisteria started from seed this winter is looking strong. I have one lonely moonflower vine emerging. I soaked and planted approximately ten seeds!


More geranium blooms!

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The pots in the back are filling-in.

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Still enjoying spring blooms among the wild-flowers.