suburban garden zone 4

Gardening for fun in the north


Time to “pinch” the Coleus




Here is the flat of Coleus I started from seed in mid-January and potted-up in early March.Image

I have enjoyed watching them grow so much that I didn’t gather the courage to “pinch” them until I realized I could use the “pinched” tops for cuttings.

I decided to start them in water because I haven’t figured-out where to buy rooting hormone powder and other necessary supplies. Um…maybe tomorrow.

I gathered my containers and garden snips.Image

Made the cut just above a set of leaves.Image

I guess you can make two cuttings from a branch like this. I didn’t. I guess you should remove any leaves on the stem below the top set of leaves. I didn’t do that either. Feeling like a rebel.Image

Stuck all the tops in the water cups. Image

This is what my flat looks like now. I feel hopeful that they will become bushy and beautiful now. The ones in the middle were quite lanky.ImageI stuck the cuttings in the greenhouse to keep them away from the cats. ImageIf I notice that these cuttings aren’t looking good, I’ll venture-out and find some supplies to try rooting them in seed-starting mix. I found several articles on the web that detail the process.


🙂 Jenn